The Truth ABOUT MONEY Shall Set You

Free But First It Will Piss You Off

By Frederick Zappone,

Author, 21 Day Self-Love Journey

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Question: What do you mean it will piss me off?

Answer: The truth about money is not always pretty, sometimes it is downright ugly. When the truth is ugly, often times, it pisses people off. This could be one of those times for you. I can tell from your attitude that you believe money is power!

Question: Isn't it???

Answer: Heck no, it's not! Money is a piece of green paper, period, end of story. The only power money has is the power YOU give it and you have given it plenty of power. Like so many people, before you, you have turned your "personal power" away from yourself and projected it into a piece of paper called money. The moment you made the decision to "project your personal power" away from yourself and into money (a decision you made during your growing up years) you gave up your rights and privileges to have any real power over money.

It amazes me that a silly piece of green paper which has no power, in and of itself, now has the power to make or break your life. It is a piece of paper you worry about, lose sleep over and causes you to feel anxious and depressed when you feel like you don't have enough of it. You are also afraid of losing your job, not because of the job itself but because of the money you receive from it. The only reason you work at a job is because you have no confidence in yourself to be the creator and source of your own money, independent of anything outside yourself

Since the time you made that decision to give your personal power away to money, you have blindly believed all the hype, con, lies and false promises about money. You have also accepted the self-defeating beliefs of others that there are only a limited number of ways you can create wealth for yourself or that you must have a special talent to do so.

Being rich and prosperous has nothing to do with luck, hard work, being smart enough or having a special talent. You only have to be true to yourself to make a lot of money and you can accomplish this goal in an infinite variety of ways. The only limits to creating the wealth you desire are the limits you place on yourself.

Question: If prosperity has nothing to do with luck, hard work, intelligence or having a special talent, how does one prosper?

Answer: You prosper by becoming conscious of the beliefs that limit or stop you from seeing all the ways you can create prosperity, for yourself, that are natural and easy for you to do. What is most important is to become conscious of ways you can make money that are in harmony with your values and the rhythm of your own heart and soul.

When you make money coming from doing what you love to do, you will thrive and flourish beyond anything you can possible imagine today. On the other hand, when you are stressed out or upset about what you "have to do" in order to make money, those feelings indicate that you are out of harmony with yourself. The more you are out of harmony with yourself, the less money you will make. You can not make money in abundance when you are going in a direction that not satisfying to you or makes you unhappy.

Question: I can get rich at my job, can't I?

Answer: A job won't allow you to prosper because the company you work for sets a limit on how much money you can make. There method for setting limits is similar to the method your parents used in setting a limit on the allowance they would pay you for helping out around the house. The company you work for, in reality, is nothing more than an psychological extension of your very own family that took care of you, financially, during your growing up years. The company you work for represents the power and authority of your mother and father, in disguise.

You are loyal to the corporation like you were with your parents, loyal but not too loyal. You have a similar type of love/hate relationship with the corporation as you had with your parents. You are afraid of the corporation much like you were afraid of your parents. You need the security of a regular paycheck the same way you needed the security of knowing your parents would feed you and keep a roof over your head. The corporation has the same control over your life as your parents once did. They set all the rules and regulations and if you disobey them, like your parents, they have the power to punish you. This is all a result of you giving away your personal power to the green stuff, called money, early on in your life,

Question: In my job, my boss promised me a very large raise, next year, if I keep up the good work.

Answer: A job, often times, promises riches but it is very conditional promise, subject to change, 'without notice. The 'conditional promise; employees often times hear is that they will get a big raise or even get rich with the company if they work long enough and hard enough. For the most part, these are empty promises that keep people living in hope that next year will be different; that next year they will make more money or that next year they will get that big promotion they were promised.

I know of one man, in particular, whose boss promised him a promotion and a $15,000 raise if he would be willing to wait a year. That was 5 years ago and the boss is still promising and the man is still living in hope that the promise will come true. Anyone, on the outside, can see that the promise is nothing more than a con job that keeps this man living in hope. In the meantime, this man has lost five years of his life being held hostage to a false promise.

You don't have to live in hope or be held hostage by false promises from others once you reclaim your power to make all the money you want to make when you want to make it. You can reclaim and take back the power you projected into money anytime you choose to do so. That is, unless you like being an economic slave to a corporation that underpays you, overworks you, makes huge profits off of your best efforts and can, without warning, throw you out on the street the moment they decide they no longer require your services,

Question: You are right, I can't disagree with what you say. My question is, how do I take back the personal power I gave away to money, early in my life, and continue to give away to the company I work for today?

Answer: First, you must have the intention to do so.

Question: What is intention?

Answer: Intention, according to the dictionary, is a stretching or bending of the mind toward a desired result. In your case, creating financial prosperity, for yourself, without being dependent on a corporation for your source of income.

Question: What does that mean in plain English?

Answer: It means you consciously choose to bend your mind (the way you think) away from being victimized by your thoughts and feelings about money to becoming the conscious creator of the financial prosperity you desire. It means you change your focus from being a powerless person, regarding your financial affairs, to being a person of power. It means you are willing to give up your allegiance to feeling bad when bad things happen to you in regards to your financial affairs.

Question: What do feelings have to do with intention?

Answer: Everything! Your feelings about money tell you the direction your mind is taking you. Uncomfortable feelings, such as stress and worry around money, are always an alert signal that your feelings are taking you into a deeper state of victim consciousness in regards to money. Those feelings are also telling you that your thoughts, concerning money, are moving you further away from becoming the conscious creator of the financial abundance, in your life, that is your birthright.

Any fear-based thoughts you entertain about money keeps you imprisoned to the corporation you work for and imprisoned by the people you owe money too. Once you dismantle your fear-based thinking around money, you will be set free to make as much money as you please.

Question: I was taught you have to work really hard to get rich

Answer: People who work the hardest, often times, make the least amount of money. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who has ever worked at a minimum wage job. People who achieve great wealth know that it is not hard work that attracts money to them. It is the practice of cultivating the soil of their mind with thoughts of abundance that make it possible for them to naturally and effortlessly attract financial prosperity into their life.

Question: What do you think stops people from exploring new ways of creating wealth?

Answer: The lack of trust and past disappointments, often times, stop people from exploring new business and moneymaking opportunities that could bless them with the prosperity they seek. It can also stop people from developing powerful, trustworthy relationships with new people that would make it possible for them to prosper and flourish in all areas of our life.

Question: Isn't money the root of all evil?

Answer: In my opinion, it is the lack of money that is the root of all evil. Russell Conwell, lawyer and Baptist minister, had this to say about money; "The idea that it is noble to be poor is an idea that far too many Christians share. It is our duty as Christians to use our gifts to honestly earn riches, because you can do more good with riches than without".

Question: What do you think causes people to have money problems in the first place.

Answer: Most people take their relationship with money for granted and are rarely "aware" that they even have a relationship with money until they do not have enough of it to meet there needs. The problem is, by the time they realize they do have a relationship with money, that relationship is usually in big trouble. Money troubles are nature's way of waking us up to the "unconscious" self-defeating beliefs we have about our financial affairs.

Question: In regards to solving money problems, what is the one most important thing I should remember.

Answer: You should remember that an "unconscious" self-defeating thought about money will ALWAYS defeat your most powerful conscious thought about money. If you remember this when you are in short supply of money, you will know immediately it is an unconscious self-defeating thought that is causing you problems.

Once you remember it is an unconscious self-defeating belief that is at the root of the problem, you can go about the business of discovering what it is. Once you discover what it is, you can replace it with a belief that empowers you financially so you can continue to create, for yourself, all the wealth and prosperity you desire.

Question: What, in your opinion, is the KEY to prosperity

Answer: The key to prosperity is gratitude. You must express gratitude for everything that happens to you around money both the good and bad. Granted, it is easy to express gratitude when good things happen to you but expressing sincere gratitude when bad things happen to you financially makes all the difference.

You see, when something bad happens to you financially, it is only your judgment that it is bad thing. The very thing you consider bad is actually a benevolent financial circumstance, in disguise, that is moving you in the direction of the prosperity you desire.

Question: To most people's way of thinking, being grateful for bad things happening to them financially is not logical.

Answer: If logic had anything to do with prosperity there would be a lot more prosperous people in the world. People are trained to be logical but logic, often times, blinds us to opportunities of financial abundance that are right in front of our eyes.

Question: So being grateful, no matter what, is the key?

Answer: Yes, the act of being grateful and practicing gratitude, over and over again until you sincerely feel grateful for the bad things that happened to you financially will reveal the financial MIRACLE, in your situation, that your logic and upset has hidden from your view.







