When it comes your life, you should be 'the' expert and everyone else should be your 'advisors and consultants' with you having the final word in all matters regarding your health, wealth and relationship with others.

If you are not the master of your thoughts, the thoughts of others will be. Not only that, they will have more influence and control over how you think and feel than you do. I am sure you can think of people, in your life, right now who **strongly influence or control how you think and feel.

** Newspapers, television, doctors, lawyers, reporters, celebrities, parents, friends, family, bosses, etc.

Your thoughts affect everything in your life from your health and relationship with others, to your job and and how much love you will experience in your life. Thoughts also have a tremendous influence and impact on how much money you will make over the course of your lifetime.


Every time you feel depressed, stressed, sad, anxious, worried, upset, hurt, afraid or disappointed you are being a victim of thoughts, yours or others.

The Thought Mastery shows you simple methods you can use that will allow you to recover quickly when you find yourself the victim of your own thoughts or the thoughts of others including the thoughts of others from your past.

The program includes a new practice (a habit of thought) you can develop for yourself so that you are never again the victim of other people's thoughts.

When it comes your life, you should be 'THE EXPERT' and everyone else should be your 'advisors and consultants' with you having the final word in all matters regarding your health, wealth and relationship with others.

The Thought MASTERY program give the tools necessary so that in all matters concerning your life, you are 'THE EXPERT' with the final say in all situations rather than just going along with what the outside experts say.

Remember this, if you die because of a treatment a doctor prescribed, he still gets paid and his life goes on. If you go to jail because your lawyer didn't represent you properly, he still has your money and his life goes on.

NO ONE can possibly have your 'best interest' at heart more than you can and that's why being 'THE EXPERT' of your life is important. The Thought Mastery program gives you the tools you need to become that expert.

Immediately after taking my program, you will experience yourself feeling more positive than ever before and the people, events and situations that used to 'rob you of your power' will no longer be able to do that to you.

All the insights and knowledge you need to enjoy the many benefits of my Thought MASTERY Program are delivered to you by email.

For best results, the information is delivered to you in bite size chunks, one email at a time for 21 days. Each one filled with 'cutting edge' insights.

Each e-mail includes easy to understand, easy to digest information that will allow you to be the master of your thoughts in no time flat.

No more feeling negative because of being victimized by your thoughts or the thoughts of others including the thoughts of others from your past.

Thoughts are POWER and people who are the master of their thoughts are the most powerful people of them all.

- Frederick Zappone


10 Benefits People Receive From the 'Thought MASTERY' Program.

Able to allow 'negative thoughts' to harmlessly pass them by

Spontaneously experience a stronger and better way of thinking.

Quickly release thoughts that live in opposition to what they want.

Understand how thoughts/feelings 'work together' to create reality.

Enjoy high levels of self-esteem and increased self confidence.

No longer victimized by negative thoughts (their own or others)

React less, respond more to people, events and situations.

Feel calmer, more balanced and more in control of their life.

Find it easier to understand and 'act on' their intuitive impulses

Develop the mental habit of thinking thoughts that make them stronger.

Are able to make better decisions, more quickly, in all areas of their life.


The people who buy the Thought Mastery Program are the one's who feel inspired to buy it. As much as I would like to take credit for the success of this amazing program, I cannot. All the credit goes to God. - Frederick Zappone

The Thought Mastery Program Is A Low Risk, High Rewards Program. You Spend A Little To Receive A Lot.

Thought MASTERY Program


IMPORTANT: As soon as you make your 'payment,' Be sure to click on the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE BUTTON located on the payment receipt page to receive your Thought MASTERY Program IMMEDIATELY. - Frederick Zappone


About Frederick Zappone:

Frederick Zappone is a Pittsburgh area resident. He has spent the last twenty-five years of his life researching and studying from a medical, scientific, religious, psychological, and spiritual point of view how the mind, including thoughts and feelings, work to create our personal reality.