Is there anything within 3 feet of you right now that can harm you? If there is not, the fear you are experiencing is IMAGINED.


The PURPOSE of Fear
is to raise your level of intelligence (awareness),
not to stop you from doing what it is you want to do.

...............................Frederick Zappone


Fear is not the problem, IMAGINED fears are

Any time we imagine the worst, we are living in fear's world. Granted there is a lot of fear-based news dealing with such things as violence, illness, sickness and death, however, other people's problems are not your problems. If those things do not live around you or in you, why imagine that they do or that they will unless you value your bad feelings more than your good ones.

Feed your imagined fear more thoughts of fear and you will, unwittingly, be guided to thinking thoughts and taking actions that will result in your imagined fears coming true. that's how imagined fear works, it guides you to what you DON'T want.

I learned that fear (imagined or real) that I resisted or avoided, gained in strength and power over me. The more I avoided facing my fears head on, the more they crippled and disabled me.

I began realizing that fears avoided (not faced head on) had the potential to destroy me. They had the potential to make me feel chronically depressed, even suicidal. They had the potential to guide me into situations where I could be physically killed, that how powerful thoughts of fear are.

I made the decision to face my fears head on because the alternative wasn't pretty. If I made the choice not to face my fears head on (including the uncomfortable feelings my fears produced in my body), I knew I would turn to drugs or alcohol to medicate and sedate my feelings.

I realized that medicating or sedating my fear feelngs would be like putting a Band-Aid on an infected wound, it wouldn't heal the infection, it would only make it worse.

What follows is everything I learned about facing my fears head on and making them DISAPPEAR. As a result of making my 'imagined fear' disappear I live a very happy, healthy life. If you have questions about making your fears disappear, write me. I am here to help.

-- Frederick Zappone

Fear, not faced head on, frightens people. Fear, not faced head on, weakens people, makes them sick. It make them stop thinking rationally. Fear, resisted, depresses people, makes them anxious. It hypnotizes people and puts them into a feeling bad state of mind. You will find the antidote to fear on this page.

Any time you feel like something is stopping you from having what you want (or from being as happy as you want to be), that's because something is, your very own thoughts.

All thoughts for, better or worse, have consequences and the first place we feel the consequences of our thoughts is in our body.

Negative Thoughts have ZERO power to stop you from having what you want (including excellent health) UNTIL you give them YOUR POWER.

Without the knowledge of how you give thoughts (and memories), YOUR POWER, you will, often times, find yourself feeling moody or depressed for no reason you can explain.

Without the knowledge of how to take YOUR POWER away from negative thoughts and memories, you will, unwittingly, weaken your immune system rather than strengthen it.

Studies show, your odds increase dramatically that you WILL NOT catch a contagious disease if you develop a strong mental attitude against catching it. This is true even if you end up in close proxmity to someone who had the disease.

If you want to be able to give your power to DESIRABLE thoughts or take your power away from UNDESIRABLE thoughts, at will, I can show you how to do that.

It is much easier than you think and very simple to do once you know what I know. It took me twenty years to learn the easy way to give and take power away from thoughts.

Everything I know about giving and taking power away from thoughts (and memories) I put into a program I wrote called Thought Mastery. .

My program explains what is required, on your part, to neutralize thoughts (and memories) that are negative so that they can no longer harm you in any way, The information in my program is delivered to you in twenty-one easy lessons.

There is nothing to do except to read through the 'lessons' you receive from me.

There is no homework, no exercises, nothing to figure out.

Once you learn how to 'give your power to and take your power away' from thoughts, at will. the negative issues other people face, in life, will no longer be your issues. You will experience more emotional freedom than you ever dreamed possible.

The information in my Thought Mastery program will dramatically strengthen your immune system. In addtion, it will also provide you with information that will allow you to develop a bulletproof attitude against the 'thought viruses' of the world that want to destroy your peace of mind and rob you of your power to live a happy, healthy, prosperous life.

-- Frederick Zappone


Thought MASTERY Program

20 years of research and study went into discovering what stopped people from achieving their most heartfelt wants and desires. In my program, You will find the antidote to dissolving the FEARS that are stopping you from having what you want.

THOUGHT MASTERY IS AVAILABLE TO YOU BY DONATION Suggested donation $1.00, $5.00, $15.00, $25.00, or $50.00

IMPORTANT: As soon as you make your donation (payment). be sure to click on the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE BUTTON located on the donation (payment) receipt page to receive your Thought MASTERY Program IMMEDIATELY. - Frederick Zappone


About Frederick Zappone:

Frederick Zappone is a former VP of a nationally known company. A Pittsburgh area resident. He has spent the last twenty years of his life researching and studying from a medical, scientific, religious, psychological, and spiritual point of view how the mind works to create our personal reality.