Why Life is HARD and How To Make It EASY

My life is perfect and yours can be too. Let me explain

When circumstances present themselves to me that I do not like, I
change  them.  If for some reason I cannot change my circumstances, I
change my attitude about my circumstances.

In other words, my circumstances are always perfect and when they
are not, through conscious thinking, I discover the 'perfect attitude'
for circumstances of mine that I cannot currently change. 

Funny thing is, when I do not resist circumstances I do not like and develop
the 'perfect attitude' for undesirable circumstances, the moment I do,
like magic, the circumstances themselves begin changing.

We create our problems by forgetting we are the SOURCE of our
problems. Let me repeat that for emphasis because it is important
We create our problems by forgetting we are the SOURCE of our problems.

In others words, all the problems we have (no exceptions) we created through 'thoughtless or unconscious thinking,'  that is not a bad thing. 

I say that because the purpose of problems are to WAKE US UP and make us become conscious (aware of the fact) that we are MAGNIFICENT, POWERFUL CREATORS and any problem we create, we can un-create by changing our mind.

All of your power, for better or worse, lives in your thoughts.

The problem is, you have had your thoughts for so long, you have taken them for granted. As a result of taking them for granted, anytime you feel bad, it is either because your thoughts or the thoughts of others are
making you a victim of thought without your conscious permission.

The way you become a victim of your thoughts is by not taking
complete responsibility for all the thoughts you think including
the thoughts you think about other people's thoughts.

When you don't take responsibility for all of your thoughts, the people around you have the ability to drain you of all your power any time they want. And you help the 'power drain' process by blaming someone or something for how you feel.

Blame is the #1 reason people lose their power.

You can only lose your power when you are blaming someone or something for your problems. Remove 'blame' from the equation and what you will experience is your power returning to you so you can effortlessly handle any problem life throws your way.

When removing blame, it is important to also remove blame from yourself because 'blaming yourself' for anything will rob you of all of your power and will keep you feeling powerless UNTIL you give up the 'blame game' and quit blaming yourself in any way.

The simple change in attitude that is required for your life to work naturally and spontaneously is to ALWAYS keep your FOCUS on what you DO WANT and immediately dismiss from your mind the things you do not want.  The reason for this is because whatever you focus your attention on, you attract more of the same.

Keeping your FOCUS on what DO WANT and away from what you don't want is easier than you think. However it does take practice.

The Basic Truth of Life is this:

You are either the master of your thoughts or you are not. If you are not,  the thoughts of others will be your master. And their thoughts will take you (mentally, emotionally and physically) to places you do not want to go causing you all kind of unnecessary problems, grief and suffering.


Frederick Zappone

By Frederick Zappone, Author Love is All I Know

Thoughts of love are the most powerful thoughts of all because love is much more than a feeling. Feelings are the language of the soul.

If you listen closely to your feelings, you will experience the POWER, the PRESENCE, and the INTELLIGENCE contained within your feelings that will effortlessly guide you to all the things you want, out of life, if you make thoughts of love your first priority.

Once I started loving my problems to death, the things that weren't working in my life started working for no logical reason I could explain.

Everything I know about loving my problems to death I put into a series of twenty-one emails titled: The Thought Mastery Program.

These emails explains why magic begins happening, in your life, the moment you quit resisting or complaining about your problems and begin loving them to death.


In the twenty-one emails you will be receiving from me, I share with you the insights needed to move beyond fear and doubt (from the mild to the extreme) so you can have the relationship, health and/or money you want.

Loving your problems to death will fix, repair, heal, dissolve, solve or make disappear from your life any problem that life throws your way. It will seem like magic to you.

Loving your problems to death as a way to love them out of existence is the fastest and most effective way to make problems disappear from your life.

Understanding exactly what it takes to love your problems out of existence is explained, in detail, in my twenty-one emails to you.

The information in my Thought Mastery Program is delivered to you over a twenty-one day period of time. To begin loving your problems to death and to start reading the first of my twenty-one emails to you, click the buy button below.

Start reading the first in the series of 21 Thought Mastery E-mails now

Thought MASTERYis about experiencing the Authentic Power' found in Thoughts of LOVE


All Twenty-One 'Cutting Edge' Thought Mastery E-mails



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IMPORTANT: As soon as you make your 'payment,' Be sure to click on the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE BUTTON located on the payment receipt page to receive your Thought MASTERY Program IMMEDIATELY. - Frederick Zappone